Monthly Archives: November 2015

LightwaveRF Socket Kit

Until now I was using HomeEasy HE830s Remote Controlled Sockets, but they appear to have developed a fault where they will turn themselves on randomly and get locked so become somewhat useless.

While I try and I claim warranty on them, I also need a few more sockets to help with Holiday lighting when I’m away as well as Christmas lighting automation.

So I purchased a set of LightwaveRF JSJSLW381 Remote On/Off Socket Kit to help with this:

LightwaveRF JSJSLW381 Remote On/Off Socket Kit

LightwaveRF JSJSLW381 Remote On/Off Socket Kit

Plus it gives me another remote to control my events in DomotiGa 🙂

They are easy enough to pair/connect to: simply plug them and they enter into pairing mode. Then send an ON command from the remote or DomotiGa and you’re set.

Note: I’m not planning on actually controlling the sockets with the remote but from my DomotiGa server, though I could do both if I wanted: the LightwaveRF JSJSLW381 Remote On/Off Sockets can be paired with up to 3 devices/remotes (vs 6 for other LightWaveRF devices..). Instead I will use the remote to trigger events in DomotiGa so I don’t need to access my PC or my Phone (although the latest integration with Siri is proving quite useful)

Controlling my home with Siri

With all this automation taking place, I’m getting lazier by the day. Even having to unlock my phone and open the bookmark for SmartVISU to activate a mood scene it taking too long / requiring too many actions.

Since Apple added HomeKit with its iOS 8, there’s now a way to integrate this with DomotiGa so I can control my devices with Siri! Yes voice control is finally here 😎

This is how it’s done. Note: this assumes you have DomotiGa already set up and running and know your way around Linux.


Installing on a Raspberry Pi? do this first:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install libkrb5-dev

You’ll also need the Avahi package:

sudo apt-get install libavahi-compat-libdnssd-dev

Homebridge is published through NPM, if npm isn’t yet installed on your system, do this first:

sudo apt-get install curl
curl -sL | sudo bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs

Then install HomeBridge “globally” by typing:

sudo npm install -g homebridge

Then install the DomotiGa plugin (Thanks Samfox2):

sudo npm install -g homebridge-domotiga

Now that HomeBridge and DomotiGa plugins are installed you need to add your own config file. Create a file called config.
NOTE: Your config.json file MUST live in your home directory inside .homebridge.
You can start by copying / pasting the below sample and update to reflect your setup:

"bridge": {
"name": "DomotiGa",
"username": "CC:22:3D:E3:CE:32",
"port": 51826,
"pin": "031-45-154" 

"description": "This is an example configuration file with one fake accessory and one fake platform. You can use this as a template for creating your own configuration file containing devices you actually own.",

"accessories": [
"accessory": "Domotiga",
"name": "Sensor garden",
"host": "localhost",
"port": "9090",
"service": "TempHygroMeter",
"device": "81",
"valueTemperature": "1",
"valueHumidity": "2",
"valueBattery": "4",
"lowbattery": "3000" 
"accessory": "Domotiga",
"name": "PC",
"host": "",
"port": "9090",
"service": "Contact",
"device": "77",
"valueContact": "1",
"valueBattery": "2",
"lowbattery": "3000" 
"accessory": "Domotiga",
"name": "Printer",
"host": "",
"port": "9090",
"service": "Switch",
"device": "79",
"valueSwitch": "1" 


To run HomeBridge, type:


You may get warning messages as per below. These can be ignored. You should however not get any error message:

Homebridge Warnings

Homebridge Warnings

iOS App

Now you need an app on your iOS device. You can use Eve By Elgato Systems

In Eve, simply add an accessory:

Eve - Add Accessory

Eve – Add Accessory

(You’ll probably be asked to create a home the first time, call it anything you want, like “Home”.)

Tap on “Identify Accessory”:

Eve - Identify Accessory

Eve – Identify Accessory

Enter the code as per your config.json file, in this example: 031-45-154

You’re set up !

Hold your home button and ask Siri all kinds of stuff. On of my favourites is “Set Mood Scene Movies on” which sets my lighting accordingly 🙂


If you cannot see your accessories (DomotiGa device), try the following steps:

  1. Stop HomeBridge
  2. Delete the “Persist” folder in your home directory inside .homebridge.
  3. Try and change the username in your config.json file (anything else)
  4. On your iOS device, go to Settings > HomeKit and delete your Home
  5. Close Eve (double press the home button and swipe Eve up)
  6. Restart HomeBridge
  7. Restart Eve

Here are a few screenshots from Elgato’s website on what Eve can do:

eve-landing-ipadiphone_2 eve-app-screen-simple eve-app-screen-fingertip_1 eve-app-screen-glance

Smart Letterbox

My letterbox is on the outside door, in the porch, behind the front door. So when the postman comes and delivers, I don’t always notice it. It also means that I will sometime open the front door just to check if post has been delivered yet.

I was wondering, how can I make my letterbox smarter so it alerts me when post has been delivered? Answer: use a sensor designed for door/window security.

I therefore purchased a Home Easy Remote Control Magnetic Switch Unit (HE305) from

Home Easy HE305

Home Easy Remote Control Magnetic Switch Unit HE305

The idea behind this is that when the 2 piece are away from each other, a signal is sent and captured by my RFXTrx Transceiver so I can add rules in DomotiGa.

To achieve this I purchased a cheap letterbox from B&Q that I fitted in the internal part of the porch door, which gets lifted when post is pushed through:



Now when post is delivered, an audio announcement is played on the speakers and an email is sent. I also log each entry to keep track of delivery times, just because I can 😎

Important Note: Even though this is an Home Easy device, the AC protocol needs to be enabled in RFXCom Commander for the signal to be picked up in DomotiGa.