SmartVISU Plot Charts

With the release of DomotiGa v1.0.020, it is now possible to use SmartVISU plot charts directly instead of importing a 3rd party tool like HighCharts (see previous article about HighCharts).


  1. Make sure you use the correct DomotiGa drivers for SmartVISU (you can get them here: io_domotiga.js and io_domotiga.min.js)
  2. If not yet done, you’ll also need to ensure you are tracking the value changes by enabling Log value history to database under the Options tab
  3. Name your device values correctly: the device name ideally has no spaces, the datasource name will be made of devicename_plotx where x is the device’s value (1 to 4). In my example, HDDRoot is the name, the Hard Drive’s temperature is in value1 so the datasource name is hddroot_plot1:

    datasource name

    datasource name

  4. Use this command in your SmartVISU page:
  5. {{ plot.period('plot1', 'HDDRoot_Plot1', 'avg', '1w', '', '', '', '', 'HDD Root', '#ff0', 'line', ['','°C'], '1h')}}
  6. Explanation of what each parameter means is provided by SmartVISU HERE

The result of my setup is this:

SmartVISU Plots

SmartVISU Plots

Note: I just added 2 hard drives to my server for storage and backup purposes (see this article), so there has not been enough time yet to track their temperature changes in the above charts.